domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

De Vestimentas e ilusiones

En casi todas vuestras culturas las vestimentas los han caracterizado, 
los han posicionado para diferenciarse o para igualarse, 
pero las vestimentas han sido siempre para ustedes objetos de alguna fascinación.  
Estamos hablando del tipo de vestimentas que tienen que ver con el resultado de la artesanía, 
que resulta de un proceso largo y complejo, 
desde que una semilla se convierte en una tela que envolverá vuestros cuerpos físicos.   
Otra vestimenta que emana de vuestro cuerpo físico pero que los diferencia y los iguala en el planeta azul,
es el lenguaje hablado, son vuestras palabras.   
Vestimenta esta que los incluye en esa categoría de seres espirituales, seres emocionales, seres mentales, 
del multiverso caminando por el planeta azul.   
Vestimenta que los transporta por una carretera única y que se llama: transmisión.  
Lenguaje hablado que les permite dejar huella, dejar letra, dirían ustedes, de época en época de vuestro pasaje y vuestra obra, 
vida tras vida en el planeta azul.   
Vestimenta que los comunica con los mundos sutiles y que hace que ese velo que nos separa de vuestro mundo físico 
sea cada vez más fino y permeable.   
Son afortunados ustedes en el multiverso, capaces de crear y portar vestimentas múltiples, 
musicales, pictóricas, táctiles…Pero hay una vestimenta en particular potente y motora para ustedes que es la ilusión.   
Es ese estado que pone en movimiento eso que ustedes llaman vuestro adentro para abrir vuestros brazos hacia vuestro afuera.   
Ilusiones que son vuestros deseos, vuestras creencias, vuestras sorpresas.
Ilusiones que los amarran en muelles de placer y de bondad.   
Ilusiones que los amamantan y les recuerdan estados de niñez en camino a la adultez.   
Caminos en los que descubrir vuestras vidas era un cotidiano desafío de aprendizaje y juego, 
y también de lo que ustedes llaman esperanza en lo que sucederá.   
Las ilusiones son energías que como en las películas cinematográficas ponen en movimiento escenas, 
personajes, lugares, que vivencian emociones y pensamientos que desarrollan con alguna naturalidad, 
a los que ustedes pueden mimetizarse con alguna naturalidad.
Y esa naturalidad en verdad tiene que ver con que ustedes al compartir ese film,
se hacen partícipes de potencialidades de vida que muchas veces no se atreven a vivir,
o que simplemente los abre a enterarse que existen.   
Las ilusiones entonces que ponen en juego escenas que son potencialidades de vida,
que desempolva un juego que de niños solían compartir.   -Dale que vos, dale que yo-
Tantas veces han comenzado una ronda de juego con vuestros compañeros o amigos de vuestra niñez con esas palabras.   
Ilusiones que de adultos pueden poner en movimiento potencialidades de vida que están ahí, 
al alcance de vuestras manos con sólo abrir la compuerta a vuestra templanza, 
a vuestra fuerza, a vuestra voluntad, a vuestra capacidad de creación.   
Estos últimos son algunos de vuestros sentidos sutiles que acompañan a vuestros sentidos físicos 
y que están esperando que los utilicen, los despierten, los ejerciten.    
Las ilusiones son las vestimentas de los mundos paralelos, de los mundos posibles, de los mundos del multiverso.   
Pero ustedes son en el planeta azul humanos, o sea capaces de hacer obra con esas ilusiones.   
Son capaces de crear, de corregir, de compartir, 
de investigar vuestras fantasías haciendo real eso que comenzó siendo energía interior sin la realización exterior.   
Una realización exterior que transforma sin duda vuestro interior y vuestro exterior,
haciendo de vuestro mundo planeta azul un maravilloso mar arquitectónico, artístico, musical 
que sea siempre motor de potencialidades a desarrollar en comunidad con todo y todos lo que los rodea en vuestro planeta azul.   
Ilusiones que también entraman la vestimenta de la generosidad, de la bondad y del amor entre ustedes, 
y entre ustedes y nosotros todos en el multiverso y en el planeta azul.

Por Rut Cohen. Para más datos ver Blog: 

-Nosotros debemos ser el cambio que queremos ver en el mundo-

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jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

White Sage

A way to clear negativity...
Every Nation has its sage for ceremonial purposes.   Sage is used for clearing negativity--inside and outside ourselves, and from our dwellings, a room, an office, an attic or any other type of structure. We use it to cleanse our auras, too, when we have a 'bad hair day' and we're carrying around a lot of junk that we want to get rid of in a hurry.
Sage emits negative ions; just as a waterfall or running water, emits the same thing. This is why, when people are near running water, they always feel cleaner, cleaned off or just 'better' for seeming no reason at all. But there is a deeper reason. Our aura holds positive ions, much like a carpet when you walk across it, creates static electricity. Only, these positive ions are like dust in our aura and it simply makes us feel sluggish, tired, or just not our usual frisky, peppy self.
The smoke from the sage meets the positive ions, clings to them and neutralizes them out of our aura, or from the room or house where you live or work.   Sometimes we work in stressful environments, visit clubs, or places with low vibrations, this is a good way to clean your self before going to bed. 

Let me take you, step-by-step, on how to utilize a wand or stick of sage:
The first rule is this: once the sage is lit, you do not stop it from burning. The spirit of the sage knows just how much negativity or positive ions are around and it will burn accordingly. When the ions have been neutralized, it will cease burning on its own. You can tell how 'bad' it is by the quality of the smoke the smudge stick emits: thin, light smoke indicates the place or person is fairly clean. Thick, rolling white smoke means the place or person has a lot of positive ions or negativity around them and it needs this thicker smoke to deal with it. If you are done smudging, then set the bowl on your electric or gas stove and let it burn itself out until it is done. Under no circumstances are you to put it under water to douse the smoke or do something to stop it from burning. The spirit of the wand knows what is needed, and where. If you watch the smoke, you will see it drift to a particular part of the room, car, or person because that is where the healing/catalyzation of energy needs to be done and accomplished.
1. Always have a heat proof bowl to put the sage in, after it has been ignited. We use an abalone shell; but any piece of thick, fired pottery (or even a Pyrex bowl) will do. If you are using a bowl, you may well want an oven mitten on you hand to prevent burns because sage burns HOT. It is the spiritual nature of it to do so. Do not use a container that is not bake or tempered for high heat--it will crack it and it could cause a fire. Do not use anything metal, because heat is conductive and you will get burned.
2. Be safe. Do not have doors or windows or a fan on when you "smudge" yourself, a room or your house. It can blow sparks out of the bowl and onto the floor or surrounding area. Don't be wearing billowy, long-sleeved blouse or shirt when you fan the smoke. Don't have long hair draped down near the bowl with the smudge stick being held in it. Be common sensed about this.
3. Light the sage with a match at the very tips of the leaves on top of the wand. Once they flame to life, then blow them out quickly. We use a feather fan to do this, but you can use a piece of stout paper or even cardboard or a paper fan. It's important to NOT let it blame and burn. Once it is lit, and the flame is blown out, it will smoke thinly or thickly, afterward. The catalyzation comes with the smoke, not the flame.
4. Place the lit, smoking top of the wand of sage deep down inside the bowl and steady the rest of it, on the stick portion at the other end, with your other hand.

Keep the windows and doors closed to the room you have chosen to smudge. You can take a fan or a small piece of cardboard and start in one corner of your room, and gently waft the smoke after it clears the bowl, from the floor, up, toward the ceiling. Do this in a clockwise circle in each corner of your room. When you are done with the fourth corner, move to the center of the room, raise the bowl chest high and waft smoke up toward the center of the room. You are now done. When you leave the room, shut the door behind you. When you go back in an hour later; you'll see that the room feels better and is even "lighter" appearing to your eyes than before.

If you are doing a complete house, then do each room in this fashion. Do not miss a room. Get all of them. If you want only one room done, then close the door behind you and smudge the room--and leave the smoke in that room--do not open windows or doors to let it out. It will dissipate surprisingly swiftly. You can also smudge your garage and basement in the same, above manner. Just make sure the garage door is closed and that the door leading to the basement is closed while smudging and closed after you depart from it.

Bend over, so that the bowl is about the level of your feet and ankles. Gently waft the smoke, with your fan, upward. As you slowly unbend and straighten up, you are bringing the sage/bowl and fanning the smoke up, up, upward until you've sent the smudging smoke up above your head. You are now "smudged" and clean, as we say.
Take care not to burn the animal, or have sparks fly out on their coats or hair. Start at their head and gently waft the smoke from their feet to their head, and then move back, over their spinal area, and to their rear feet/tail region. They are now smudged.

If you have a piece of jewelry given to you, an heirloom piece, or something that you love, but it has "bad vibes" or just a bad feeling on it, then you can do the following: Lay it out on a table or some place where it is flat. Start at one end of the piece and gently fan the smoke across it, so that the smoke covers and flows across the entire piece. When it's done, let it sit for 24 hours, and then you can use it. The feeling/vibes will be very different. On a stubborn piece, you might have to do this 2 or 3 times, once a day, to get it entirely cleansed.

I was taught to take 3 leaves, crinkle and break them up and put them into the bottom of a tea cup. Pour boiling water over them and let it steep 10 minutes. You can then drink it and eat the leaves. This is used to break a fever, induce a sweat and we drink this during a sweat lodge to cleanse ourselves of our inner negativity and darkness. If you're feeling bad, sometimes a cup of white sage tea helps a lot. Drink only one cup in a 24 hour period.

One of the nicest things you can do for yourself is crinkle up an entire wand or one ounce of dried leaves, into your bathtub. Fill it with warm to moderately hot water (don't burn yourself). Then, settle down into this big cup of tea for about 10-15 minutes. The sage is a natural cleanser and your physical body and aura both get cleaned up this way. It is particularly wonderful after a highly stressful time.

    To do a smudging ceremony, burn the clippings of these herbs (dried), rub your hands in the smoke, and then gather the smoke and bring it into your body, or - rub it onto yourself; especially onto any area you feel needs spiritual healing. Keep praying all the while that the unseen powers of the plant will cleanse your spirit. Sometimes, one person will smudge another, or a group of people, using hands - or more often a feather - to lightly brush the smoke over the other person(s). We were taught to look for dark spots in a person's spirit-body. As one California Indian woman told us, she "sees" a person's spirit-body glowing around them, and where there are "dark or foggy parts," she brushes the smoke into these "holes in their spirit-body." This helps to heal the spirit and to "close up" these holes.

    Recently we did a "light" house cleansing for a friend. We use the term "light", for this is a relatively simple ceremony as opposed to some that are more lengthy and complicated. Our friend had some serious emotional and relationship problems, and he felt they had left a heavy and dark atmosphere. First, we prayed together to the Creator and to the spirits for help. We then, burned sage, purified ourselves, and took the sage to all the corners, closets, and rooms of the house. We pushed the smoke with our hands to cleanse every bit of space - lingering over dark or cold spots that "felt" uncomfortable.

    We used sage first in order to drive out the bad influences. Then we purified ourselves with cedar and, then repeated the cleansing process throughout the house with that. Then sweetgrass was used in the same manner to bring in good influences. All the time we prayed for help in this cleansing. Finally, we took a candle over the whole house and pushed its light into every corner. The People of the Pacific Northwest Coast taught this "lighting-up" of a house to us. We've been doing this type of house cleansing for ten years, and it never fails to "clear the air."

    One more note about smudging. It is very popular among many novices to use abalone shells in smudging. There are many Native elders who are pleased to see so many new folds smudging themselves, but - some are concerned that abalone shells are being used when burning the herbs. On the Pacific Northwest Coast, for example, some holy men have said that abalone shells represent Grandmother Ocean, and that they should be used in ceremonies with water, not burning.

    We know enough Native elders in the Northwest, the Plains, and California who don't use abalone shells - but instead clay or stone bowls - that we don't personally feel comfortable using a shell.

    In any case, smudging is a ceremony that must be done with care. We are entering into a relationship with the unseen powers of these plants, and with the spirits of the ceremony. As with all good relationships, there has to be respect and honor if the relationship is to work

want to read all this in spanish click on link

Thank you!

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Entendiendo " la ilusión"

Entendiendo " la ilusión"

Vivimos en una tercera densidad o dimensión,
y uno de los propósitos de vivir aquí,
es entender que tenemos las mismas oportunidades
de buscar lo positivo o negativo en cada acción o suceso que nos pase en la vida!
Por eso algunos llaman a la 3a dimensión "escoger"
esto debido a que esta ilusión en la que vivimos esta orquestada,
para que tengamos las mismas posibilidades de aprender de lo bueno o lo malo
dependiendo del camino que escojamos,
este aprendizaje nos llevara de nuevo a casa! a Dios, a uno mismo, a romper la ilusión de la 3a dimensión!
O como le gustes llamar.
Nada de lo que pasa en la tierra es casualidad,
todo esta diseñado y orquestado para ayudarnos a tener una evolución espiritual.

David Wilcock

-Nosotros debemos ser el cambio que queremos ver en el mundo-

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sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Condor and Eagle message

This message is for you; to take with,
and share it with your tribes;
thus the condor and the eagle had fly together as one...side by side.

Old prophesies where shown not to happen,
as a mere reminder,
it's up to all off you what you wish to happen.

Under the rainbow moon and the eagle cloud as a witness, 
the childrens of the sixth sun have awaken,
awaken from the darkest dream,
we all are one nation,
the rainbow nation,
we all are the ones we've been waiting for.

Elders: let's dance, smoke the chanupa and pray for our children,
thus they are the ones that will carry the message,
thru the end of cycles.

The childrens of the sixth sun

Este mensaje es para todos ustedes,
para que lo lleven y compartan con los suyos,
pues el condor y la águila han volado juntos como uno mismo…lado a lado.

Las profecías antiguas fueron mostradas para que no sucedieran,
como un mero recordatorio,
depende de nosotros lo que deseamos que pase.

Bajo la luna Arcoiris y la águila nube como testigos,
los hijos del sexto sol han despertado,
despertado del sueño mas oscuro,
todos somos una nación,
la nación arcoiris,
nosotros somos aquellos que hemos estado esperando.

Ancianos: dancen, fumen la pipa y resen por nuestros hijos,
pues ellos son los que llevaran el mensaje,
hasta el fin de los ciclos.

Los hijos del sexto sol,

-Nosotros debemos ser el cambio que queremos ver en el mundo-

* Si deseas no recibir mas mensajes de este tipo por favor responde a esta misma dirección y en asunto escribes: "borrar" esto seria mejor que marcarlo como correo no deseado.  De la misma manera si deseas que algún amigo o familiar reciba el boletín, favor de mandar la lista de correos y esta será agregada a nuestra base de datos.  Gracias.

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